Apex BioTek optimize the conditions of production for your cell line to make sure consistently high yields at the lowest production cost, and our design control procedures are capable of fully documenting the development process to support submission to Regulatory agencies. Apex BioTek proprietary technologies enable us to provide high-quality recombinant cell lines for various functional assays and for high throughput drug screening.
Antibody and antigen production from engineered cell lines
Engineered protein purification, analysis and characterization
Production scales from t-flasks to bioreactors
cGMP production facilities and a fully developed Quality System
cGMP Bio Safety Level 2 facility available
Cell Line Capabilities
Cell line growth performance evaluation
Bio-manufacturing and analytical capabilities include recombinant protein production , monoclonal antibodies produced in hybridomas, and viral lysates/virus produced from large-scale cell cultures.
Cell line yield, stability and protein expression characterization
Full-time 24/7 monitored cryostorage.